Thursday 14 May 2009

Chinese Electro-Woman (2001)

Henan's "Electro-woman" --- Able to withstand high-voltage without a second thought
(Trans. Chris Harry)

On the evening of July 15th, a woman wearing a red qipao (traditional Chinese dress) performed an astounding human feat for spectators in the city of Zhengzhou's Lucheng square -- turning on a light bulb by conducting electricity through her body. According to the M.C. at the event, the woman whose name is Yao Yanjing, set a new Guiness world record by withstanding 550 volts of electricity.
Yesterday afternoon, this reporter interviewed her at Zhengzhou's Xinwei Aircraft Equipment Company. "I first discovered I was unafraid of electricity ten years ago", Ms. Yao laughingly said. Once while visiting at a friend's house, a light bulb suddenly burnt out. While replacing the old bulb with a new one, she accidentally touched the metal carrying electricity to the light yet had not the slightest sensation. On May 18th, 1998, she safely overcame the challenge of withstanding 550 volts of electricity, and in the process set a new Guiness world record for the highest voltage withstood as conducted through a finger.

Hu Bingjun/ Wang Jianli (Yangcheng Evening News 2001-07-17)

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