Tuesday 7 April 2015

Emperor Xi: I want True Dictatorship

刁皇:我要真独裁 (他的独裁梦)

Emperor Xi: I want True Dictatorship

Pictured here with a fake yellow umbrella, an homage to the Umbrella Revolution where Hong Kong students bravely demonstrated and protested in their demand for true elections. Emperor Xi's make-believe response is depicted above as,  "I want true dictatorship".

The yellow colour of the umbrella also represents a colour that was reserved only for the Emperor in ancient China. In the past, any subject discovered wearing fabric dyed in Imperial yellow could be subject to the death penalty.

This is symbolic of how human rights have been further eroded and weakened just as party Emperor Xi has been concentrating more and more dictatorial powers in his own hands since his rise to power.

Monday 19 January 2015

China’s Wrongheaded Quest for Respect

    One would hope that the Chinese leadership is beginning to understand the importance of co-operation with other countries, but after decades of empty rhetoric from Beijing, the mentality and the strategic diplomatic initiatives of China's dictatorship still remain shrouded in a bamboozling cloud of mystery. Aside from a penchant for opportunistic gain; be it military, diplomatic or economic, Beijing seems to lack a consistent or clear diplomatic policy that builds long-lasting alliances or friendship based on mutual respect and trust. 

    While more and more Chinese citizens are becoming open, cosmopolitan and globally-minded, the government remains secretive, distrustful and painfully awkward at forging meaningful and mutually beneficial ties with other countries.

    Beijing seems very poor at thinking beyond monetary bribery and military bravado. While these are key levers to power relations, they do not appeal to the human side of diplomatic relations, and therefore ultimately fail to win the hearts and minds of the non-Chinese majority of humanity across the globe.

    Perhaps, once Beijing learns to be nicer and more respectful toward its own citizens and its neighbours, the rest of the world will gradually begin to afford it the respect it seeks.

    Meanwhile, throwing money in the air, foaming at the mouth and brandishing a sword will only frighten, annoy or infuriate the rest of the world. The Chinese leaders fail to realize that sometimes the law of the jungle only applies in the animal world and not among civilized nations.